Stick with it!
- this is an idea which i think occurs to a lot of developers (including myself); foreign language learning seems to overlap computer langauge learning
- however most of the tools in the space are absolute rubbish; I loathe anki for example; so it's a low bar to have to hurdle
- I think you have executed very nicely thus far; I certainly plan to use it and at this stage (15 mins in) would consider going premium
- there's definitely room for a context- driven app like this as a companion to a structure- driven app like Duolingo (from the learners perspective)
- you probably want to nick as many Duolingo gamification features as possible; spaced repetition, streaks etc; Duolingo does them really well
- flashcard review works better on mobile than desktop; presume you have considered mobile
- would be nice to be able to attach images to flashcards for improved recognition; have you read Gabriel Wyner's fluent forever ?
- you will definitely have 10% hardcore users, 90% wannabes; cos language learning requires dedication
- summary: you have something great here, stick with it!
Thanks for the kind feedback!
Readlang’s flashcards do use spaced repetition – I need to communicate this better. And I have borrowed the “streak” idea from Duolingo already, although not as well implemented yet.
Flashcards work reasonably well on mobile already. The site is responsive but there’s still a bit of vertical scrolling needed while practicing that I could remove.
You can attach images although the UI is very unfriendly at the moment:
90% wannabes – yep, this is a problem. Most users will leave, so I need a very large stream of new users to capture enough of those 10% hardcore ones