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Readlang Web Importer Bookmarklet

The Web Importer imports a stripped down, more readable version of a web-page which is often more pleasant than reading the original web page using the Web Reader.

Using Desktop Chrome

1. Install the Web Reader Chrome Extension
2. Right click on any web page and select "Import to Readlang"

Other desktop browsers


You will need to make use of your browser's bookmarks feature.

1. Bookmark this page

2. Edit the bookmarked URL and replace it with this exact code:

javascript:var readlangHostname='';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(document.createElement('script')).setAttribute('src',window.location.protocol+'//'+new Date().getTime());


1. Visit the web page you want to read
2. Click the Readlang Web Importer bookmarklet you installed
3. The article will now be in your Reading Queue

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