Highlighting saved words
It would be nice to highlight the words that we've saved so that we know that we've come across them before. I don't really care if there is a known rating(like learning with texts or linq). Personally it helps me with recall when I use LWT and I think it would be nice in this program too!
You can enable this feature by opening the reader sidebar, opening the “AA” tab (Customize Appearance) and selecting one of:
- “Ready to Learn (recommended)” – highlights the words that you’ve translated but haven’t yet learned via the flashcards.
- “All Your Words” – highlights all of your words
If you click a highlighted (actually underlined) word then it will open a pop up which you can use to edit or delete the word.
I’m closing this ticket now, although I’m still thinking of improving it by adding the ability to:
- Use similar highlighting in the Web Reader http://readlang.uservoice.com/forums/192149-general/suggestions/7253901-auto-highlight-saved-words-in-the-web-reader
- Adding a practice mode which displays the translations in place of the original words, creating a cloze test that lets you practice on the whole text similar to how you would on the flashcard page. http://readlang.uservoice.com/forums/192149-general/suggestions/7253880-add-practice-mode-which-turns-a-whole-text-into-a
If you think these would be useful please vote for them. Actually, that goes for all the other ideas people have posted on this forum too. Thanks!
Hi Hernando,
It's currently free for users with up to 200 words in their Word List. Once you have more than this (it appears you have) and have auto-highlight enabled a message should appear asking you to upgrade to remove the limit. Did this appear for you? If not, please let me know which browser you are using so that I can investigate.
Steve -
Hernando commented
Is this feature only available for those with an "unlimited" plan?, I enabled the feature in the sidebar, but it does not highlight any of the words I've saved.
I've created the suggestions and added the links above so that you can vote for them.
(Feel free to add ideas yourselves too!)
Woertersammlerin commented
V e r y cool. Where do I vote for the cloze test? Sounds nice.
I've added a second mode now which only highlights words "Ready to Learn", which I recommend using over the "All Your Words" mode since it hides the ones which you have remembered recently (or over a long period) in the flashcard system.
Angelika commented
Making a practice mode of a "cloze test" (with translations instead of blanks) sounds great to me. Using words that we are learning in different sentences is crucial for understanding them well, I think. The only downside is that children and people starting learning a language for the first time can become confused with multiple meanings of words and occasional inappropriate translations.
Anonymous commented
I also really want this feature, no need for any rating.
Andrew commented
Sweet, thanks. In regards to one of the other suggestions, it may be a way to 'grade' texts for the individual based on their saved words. Probably not the best but it could be a factor to take into account.