AdminReadlang (Language learning app, Readlang)
My feedback
28 results found
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3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment I've just added a play button to the bottom of the reader page which, when clicked, will read the text out loud. This is only available if your browser supports locally generated text-to-speech on the device you are using.
This was only added last night, so if you have a Readlang tab already open, please refresh it to get access to the new feature.
The feature is available to all Readlang users, and Premium users are additionally able to customize the voice in the "AA" sidebar tab.
Please let me know what you think!
0 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment (Repeating my reply to the identical post on the Readlang blog post
Thanks! That's great to hear!
There's the Uservoice feedback forum (, and I'm not looking to integrate with another forum at the moment since I don't want to spend the time to moderate and build and manage a community. That said, feel free to create an unofficial Readlang forum if you like!
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Note that if instead of de-selecting then re-highlighting, you just extend the current highlight without de-selecting first, then it should remove the old phrase and only keep the new one. Please let me know if this doesn't work!
I agree that it's annoying that you end up with duplicates if you do the deselecting as you mentioned! I'll keep this in mind as I consider future improvements!
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Glad you like it! I'm sorry but we aren't adding support for new languages at the moment, since Readlang is currently in maintenance mode. We are ensuring that the site continues to run smoothly but aren't adding new features or languages.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment You can unsubscribe at
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment You can look up words from within the Words tab ( and add them to your word list. They will then show up as flashcards along with all your other words.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment I would recommend simply doing multiple sessions if you want to get through all of your flashcards.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This is a good idea and one I've considered in the past. Unfortunately since Readlang is in maintenance mode we aren't changing it's functionality for the time being.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Sorry about this. If you are having problems signing in to your Readlang account, please check whether you have an ad or content blocker running on your device or browser, and also check whether you have third party cookies disabled. These are known to cause problems for Readlang's authentication.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Sorry about this. If you are having problems signing in to your Readlang account, please check whether you have an ad or content blocker running on your device or browser, and also check whether you have third party cookies disabled. These are known to cause problems for Readlang's authentication.
7 votes
Sorry but the website has a security policy that stops any external scripts from running. This includes the Readlang Web Reader. The same problem happens with Facebook.
There may be a way I can work around this for Chrome Extension users but I would need to investigate further.
An error occurred while saving the comment The way Readlang works is that when you click a word, as well as providing a translation for that word, Readlang also captures the whole context sentence around it even though you didn't actually select the whole sentence.
I'm going to investigate adding a fallback mode to the Chrome extension allowing it to translate selected text even if it can't capture the whole sentence around it.
Thanks for reminding me about this.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sorry, but my original status update still stands. The security policy on that site prevents the Readlang extension from loading. I haven't had a chance to investigate any workarounds I'm afraid.
11 votes
When reading on you can open the sidebar (the little button in the top right of the page), go to Words, and then delete the ones you don’t want to keep.
Or, after reading with the Web Reader, you could go to and remove the ones you don’t want to keep there.
The idea is not to have to make unnecessary choices while reading so that you can focus completely on the story you’re reading.
Does this workflow suit you or would you prefer have to click an extra button while reading to save a word to your list?
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi agusbrz78,
If you are learning a language which doesn't say "beta" after it, you should rarely if ever worry about deleting uncommon words, since Readlang contains a list of the most frequent words and will prioritize the most useful ones for you when learning with the flashcards. Does this help answer your concern?
109 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Corey - yes there is a way to turn merging of phrases off. Open the reader sidebar by clicking the little "three horizontal lines" menu icon at the top right of the reader page. Select the "AA" tab, and under "Translation Behavior" click "Don't Merge"
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi "Anonymous" - that's a very nice idea and I've thought about it myself. Some issues are:
1. You'd need to split the book into chunks of <10,000 words, I put that limit since the current implementation will slow down with very long texts. Very long individual texts are possible but would require more work on my part.
2. I feel the current system of highlighting an individual word works well for short texts, but for long novels, I would prefer a less precise system - as long the correct line or two is highlighted that would be fine - you could then sync a text very well with one pass since it only needs to be roughly correct. Currently I find I always take two passes to sync a video to get the precision to each word, and it's quite an intense process, meaning that I can't focus on enjoying and understanding the text until I've finished the syncing process.
3. It's a lot of work for only your benefit - it's a shame after doing all that that the result can't be shared.Still, if you try it would love to hear how it goes!
One day I'd like to have better support for long form audiobooks.
4 votes
Google Translate is actually pretty good from English to/from the main European languages. Sorry that it doesn’t work so well for Thai.
Out of curiosity, do you know of a better machine translation system for Thai → English?
An error occurred while saving the comment Thanks for those dictionary URLs Jennifer!
To clarify, for Chinese, Japanese and Thai, which don't use spaces to separate words... Since I wasn't sure how many would be required for a typical sentence, the way the limit is enforced is to:
1. Check that no more than 30 characters are selected.
2. Get translation from google translate.
3. If translation contains up to 6 (free) or 12 (premium) English words, it's OK and shown to user. If it contains more it's not allowed.I think for Chinese, 30 characters is plenty but it seems for Thai it's easy for 30 Thai characters to lead to an English translation of less than 12 words - if this turns out to be a problem for people I'll look into increasing the character limit.
40 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment It is possible to export to anki or quizlet from the "Word List" tab:
This isn't ideal however, since you need to export new word lists every so often and 'merge' them into your Anki / Quizlet decks. Also, it's preferable to keep your progress history within Readlang so that Readlang's flashcards as well as new features such as the auto-highlighting ( can adapt based on your current knowledge.
AdminReadlang (Language learning app, Readlang) shared this idea · -
7 votesAdminReadlang (Language learning app, Readlang) shared this idea ·
7 votesAdminReadlang (Language learning app, Readlang) shared this idea ·
26 votes
I've added both furigana and pinyin support as an experimental feature which you can now enable in Readlang. Read more here:
An error occurred while saving the comment Hi Woertersammlerin,
Thanks for the Rikaikun tip! I'm a little surprised that it works within Readlang - it looks great!
I've just added the "alternatives" field to the word export options - let me know if it works OK.
Regarding the furigana suggestion. I'm afraid I'm not focussing on Japanese or Chinese at the moment since I want to perfect the site for the other languages first, but if this or similar suggestions get enough votes I'll certainly take notice.
Oh, I have an idea what the problem might be. Can you check on under the "Custom <language> Dictionary" tab and see if it's set to "Monolingual". If so, try setting it to "Translation" to see if that fixes the issue.
Obviously in the case of the flashcards where you don't have the sidebar dictionary, it should still show the translation even when in Monolingual mode. I'll work on fixing that!