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478 results found
I hope Click later hear Google translation Pronunciation
in Readlang web reader
thx3 votes -
Have every word in a document saved in a word bank.
A Readlang user could upload a document to Readlang and select an option to have all the words in the text saved into a word bank. Instead of having to click on hundreds of words; users could have the one click option to covert a document or webpage into a bunch of words.
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Convert a highlighted sentence into a bunch of words.
The ability to highlight a ten word sentence and then have all ten words in the sentence converted into ten different flashcards. Or highlight a ten word sentence and Readlang would save the sentence and the ten words of the sentence.
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3 votes
Flashcards: give us the choice to hear the pronunciation after the answer is shown
In passive mode, I prefer the audio to be played after the answer is shown, as the pronunciation is part of what's tested when learning Chinese characters. This could also be beneficial for people in general who wish to test pronunciation in other languages.
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Focus on verbs
Verbs are critical. Yet they are often very difficult to master, particularly abstract verbs. Verb conjugations are especially difficult, especially in irregular verbs. Quite a few Readlang suggestions and requests have addressed verbs, such as separable verbs in German and Dutch. I think it would be very helpful to have a way to focus on verbs in the text itself, not necessarily in flash cards, etc. Perhaps it could be a toggle on/off option to highlight verbs and their auxiliary verbs and separable parts. An additional feature could be a right click on highlighted verbs to bring up a pop-up…
3 votesI agree this would be great. But implementing it for all the supported languages would be difficult.
I currently rely on Google Translate to do the hard work of translating and Readlang itself isn’t actually aware of which words are verbs, nouns, etc.
It’s unlikely I’ll be able to add this any time soon.
make it possible to have split verbs as flash cards (German)
For example, many German reflexive verbs use the form (sich) infinitive. These can mean something different than without sich. The sich declines with the pronoun.
Further, there are splittable (trennbar) verbs in German. The infinitive form has a prefix, but in certain tenses, the verb is split across the sentence. Example: infinitive- anprobieren - "to try on" (notice it is also splittable in English). One can say, "Ich werde diese Kleidung anprobieren," I will try on these clothes. One can also say, "Ich probiere diese Kleidung an." I am trying on these clothes.
In these cases, the two words are…
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filter to remove already read articles and watched videos
if there's not a filter already somewhere, developing an option to filter read content would be helpful to user. I keep seeing the content I already worked on all the time and the only way to keep track of what I did is to "love" them so they have a mark.
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3 votes
Open Word Reference without giving focus to the text entry box.
It causes the on-screen keyboard to disply on my Android tablet and I am so tired of closing that thing every single time when all I want to do is see the definition of the selected word in the text, not enter a new word.
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Latin out of beta?
I love ReadLang and have been using it to sharpen my own Spanish reading skills. I teach Latin to middle schoolers, and would love to have them use use ReadLang as a tool to read harder Latin texts. Any chance it will emerge from beta soon? Thanks! Rick Beyer
3 votesThe reason it is still in beta is that I don’t have a good word frequency list of Latin words. This is used to prioritize learning with flashcards and to attempt to judge the difficult of each text.
It still might be useful to try using Readlang to read Latin yourself and if you think it’s helpful to recommend it to your students as it is.
Add a hotkey to listen the word while practicing flashcards
It would be handy. Thanks!
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Another ways to recall
This is a real good app, but It`s difficult to me enter everytime you send me an email I mean that it would be easier if i can select and set up the time for example; every 15.30 or 60 minutes and so that It appears in my screen a small popùp In the lower right corner to remind me it
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Add the option of formatting the flashcafd so the word and the English definition are both on the front of the card
Love your site. Would it be possible for you to add the option of changing the format of the flash cards so that that definition and word are both on the front of the card? in my previous experience in learning another language the traditional format of answer on the back is too taxing and ineffective and unrewarding . I can't believe they made us make flash cards in this format during compulsory education
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Support mutations for Celtic languages
Oftentimes Celtic languages, such as Welsh and Irish, will have the same word with different starting letters. I would like the option to combine contexts for the same word with different mutations.
For example: Mae'r gath yn ddu = The cat is black,
Mae cath gyda fi = I have a cat3 votes -
Allow words to be separated at apostrophes
I'd like to be able to split words at apostrophes instead of just spaces. In Welsh, for instance, 'r is often tacked on at the end of words for "the" in front of the next word. For example: Dw i'n hoffi'r gath = I like the cat. There should be an option for "hoffi" to be its own word in those situations, instead of "hoffi'r".
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Right single quote = Apostrophe
Right now the index cards count
U+2019 : RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK {single comma quotation mark}
U+0027 : APOSTROPHE {APL quote}
as separate characters. For whatever reason, some of the books I've uploaded use U+2019 instead of U+0027 as apostrophes, so it gets really annoying to have to add a "correction" for every word that has an apostrophe.
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add British pronounciation to the flashcards and word lists
good afteenoon,
I am learning English with your tool. Very great. Unfortunately in the flashcards mode the pronounciation is American by default and i cannot change it to British. Also the sounds on the word list are American. the only way to hear the british pronounciation is to click on every single word in the word list and click on the speaker in the WordReference window, which is time consuming in the long there any chance it could be looked at please?
I really want to keep using your tool but I right pronounciation is key.
thank you…
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Have an option to show the first letter of the answer for "active recall" flash cards.
I have turned off the option for active recall cards because if the clue is something like "hasty" there are many words that would work. If you answer with a word that is correct, but not the actual answer word, you can add as an alternative. However, if you answer with a word that you think is correct but is not, you may be entering an incorrect word in the "alternative word" field.
It would be great to have an option to see just the first letter of the answer word. That should be enough of a clue that I…
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Context flashcar
I was wondering if you could implement a feature where during active recall the English word stays hidden, much like during passive recall. I would like to have the option to remember the target word through context. Perhaps as a premium feature?
Denzel3 votes